Here's Why I'll Wait A Few Days Before Seeing You-Know-What:

I comfort myself with the fact that the genes of goobers like these will eventually be eliminated from the population, as these guys have absolutely no chance of ever reproducing. I'll go see Revenge of the Sith at some point, but I'll wait until the costumed geeks go back to writing fan fiction and downloading porn in the basement.

Yes, they do look silly, but don't you think you are generalizing to the extreme when you say that they also look at porn in the basement? Don't be so prejudiced! By the way, Harry Reid is now on TV quite often, speaking on behalf of the filibuster. --mombo
Sure I'm generalizing--I don't have time to point out the pathetic nature of every individual costumed nerd. As for Harry Reid, he's been on TV a lot ever since he became Senate Minority Leader. I'm glad he's standing up against the Republican grab at absolute power--more on this later.
What are you talking about weeding themselves out of the gene pool. They may be overly excited by a movie craze, but they are young still, how old are you now? Are you married, has your genetic material been re-entered into the gene pool? I didn't think so, maybe you should lay off thet over generalization and stick to not working and writing a blog.
The end.
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