For some reason I have become completely fascinated by a desk chair that someone has affixed about two-thirds of the way up a lampost directly behind my building. How the chair got there in the first place is something of a mystery. WHY someone would stick a chair sideways onto a lampost is even more of a mystery, but the chair has now been there for several weeks and does not appear to be coming down soon, either by force of gravity or the efforts of the city fathers, who's duty it is (I assume) to remove chairs from lamposts and other city property.
I pass this sight every morning on the way to work and can't help but wonder what it's supposed to mean. Is it some form of performance art? Social satire? Coded message? Or did one of the idiots who hang out at the West Street Plaza all day just get a hankerin' to put a chair up a lampost? It's just one of life's unanswerable questions.
You would assume that it is the city father's duty to remove chairs from lamposts, but if its not spelled out in some kind of code the chair might be there to stay.
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