The Adventures of Yukon Sully

The Epic Story Of One Man's Quest To Find Fame, Fortune, And Some Decent Chicken Wings In The Biggest Little City In The World!

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Yukon Sully is the heroic alter ego of a mild-mannered attorney who lives in a modest suburb on the outskirts of Reno, Nevada. He fights a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Always remember, he's much smarter than you are.

100 Things About Me

Friday, April 29, 2005

After two years, words start to feel hollow

Seventeen bombs set off today in Iraq. Fifty people dead, including three Americans. This in a War that the Bushies and the Conservative Media has declared victory in on at least five major occasions that I can recall--The fall of Baghdad, the "Mission Accomplished" speech, the capture of Saddam, the hand-over of soverignty, and most recently with those purple-finger elections. Yet the killing just goes on and on. And surely, when al Zarqawi is captured (which he inevitably will be) we'll go through the back-slapping all over again, and the usual suspects will assure us once again that it was all worth it, that even if the WMDs were a lie, hey, we brought 'freedum' to the Iraqi people, or at least to the ones who haven't been killed.

I'm not for a total pull-out from Iraq. Colin Powell was right; we broke it, now we own it. It would be even more irresponsible of us to simply throw that country to the wolves. I just wish that somehow, somewhere, some way the poeple who led us into this mess could be held accountable.


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