The Adventures of Yukon Sully

The Epic Story Of One Man's Quest To Find Fame, Fortune, And Some Decent Chicken Wings In The Biggest Little City In The World!

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Yukon Sully is the heroic alter ego of a mild-mannered attorney who lives in a modest suburb on the outskirts of Reno, Nevada. He fights a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Always remember, he's much smarter than you are.

100 Things About Me

Friday, June 17, 2005

Return of the Washoe Zephyr

The trend continues. Today in Reno was cold and windy, and the high was only 68. While that may not sound too bad, the Washoe Zephyr was at full blast today, and that made it feel about ten degrees colder despite the sunshine. For those of you who don't know (which is probably every single person who will ever lay eyes on this blog) the Washoe Zephyr is a particularly ferocious wind that blows in off the Sierra and flings anything that is not nailed to the ground into central Utah. Local folklore has it that Mark Twain coined the term during his stay in Virginia City in the 1860's, but that story is apocryphal; Twain simply noted that this was a name people used. He said the Zephyr "blows flimsy houses down, lifts shingle roofs occasionally, rolls up tin ones like sheet music, now and then blows a stage-coach over and spills the passengers".

The wind today had a definite feel of winter to it, the way the wind feels when it blows into your face down a snowy ski-run. The local news continues to shrug and talk about "yet another late-season storm." I'm just starting to wonder at what point we move from "late-season" storms and into "early-season" storms. I guess this year the seasons are going to go from Winter to Mild Winter to Winter again.

Speaking of things that never end, can I take just a moment to mention just how very, very much I don't care about the fact that Tom Cruise and that girl from Batman are engaged. I mean it, I absolutely could not possibly care less. I don't care if it's a publicity stunt, I don't care if it's yet another attempt on his part to deflect those persistent gay rumors, I don't care if they're more in love than any two people have been. I don't care about what monument they're being photographed in front of or where they hold the press conference to announce their betrothement or what furniture they're dancing on top of. I. Just. Do. Not. Care. So why even mention it, you ask? Because I resent the fact that I must hear about it everywhere I go. I resent having my intelligence insulted by the implication that I should find this interesting. In fact, I resent the entire cult of celebrity for which this new power couple is just the latest irrational obsession. If people want to waste their time pondering the mysteries of Tom-and-what's-her-name that's their business, but I'm tired of hearing about it.

There, the bitterness is out of my system, for at least ten or twenty minutes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just spent 3 1/2 days with someone who makes Dad look like Howard Stern. I don't remember my cousin being so anti-gay or constantly ranting about how everyone is fornicating and will spend all eternity suffering in hell. Religion is his favorite topic, and of course, it's from the EWTN slant. I think the two of you would kill each other if you ever got into the same room.
On the other hand, he was very hospitable, driving me hundreds of miles around the Denver area. We went to Colorado Springs to see the Air Force Academy and the Garden of the Gods. Pikes Peak looms over the city at over 14,000 feet. Totally awe-inspiring. The next day we went to Golden and toured the Coors brewery, then drove up into the foothills to a couple of old mining towns (now complete with casinos). I loved my visit there except he never shut up about abortion and other conservative Catholic topics. For a guy who goes to Mass every day, he is filled with hate and loathing towards anyone who is not in agreement with him on any subject. bye bye----

12:31 AM  

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