The Adventures of Yukon Sully

The Epic Story Of One Man's Quest To Find Fame, Fortune, And Some Decent Chicken Wings In The Biggest Little City In The World!

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Yukon Sully is the heroic alter ego of a mild-mannered attorney who lives in a modest suburb on the outskirts of Reno, Nevada. He fights a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Always remember, he's much smarter than you are.

100 Things About Me

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Juice the Big Orange

Three words: Bring. On. Tennessee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight the TV was full of Sunday pro football highlights. The announcer said, "And now on to the Politically Incorrect Bowl, featuring the Redskins and the Chiefs." This has nothing to do with the Crimson Tide, although sometimes I wonder if there are any elephants out there who are insulted that the Alabama athletic teams use an elephant as their mascot.

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hummmm, Yukonsully and Secy of State Rice in total agreement about something --even if it is just alabama football, you have to admit it seems a little strange.

2:19 AM  
Blogger Yukon Sully said...

Well she is from Birmingham, so she can't be all bad.

8:10 AM  

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