M & M in Vail
My sister Maureen and her husband Michael just got back from Vail and sent me some pictures:

Maureen says she's getting good at Blue runs, which is pretty impressive for someone who lives in Atlanta. Hopefully they had a good time and didn't think too much about how much better it would have been if they'd come to Tahoe instead ;-)

What? No one comments on my fabulous trip to Vail? Maybe you should have mentioned the heli-skiing... I just wanted to thank you again for the ski shirt - it was perfect! I'm going to get completely new ski outerwear for our next trip. Michael may be going down black diamonds, but at least I'm going to look good!! (We nick-named him "Barney" because of his purple ski-jacket & his height. Very easy to spot in a crowd.)
Your next trip should be to beautiful Lake Tahoe.
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