I Wish We Knew How To Quit Them
Brokeback Mountain parodies are officially not clever anymore. I realize that I must accept my fair share the blame for this satirical scourge because I published a post a few days ago about how funny I thought Brokeback To The Future was. At that time, the pasting together of clips from the Back To The Future movies with the now ubiquitous Brokeback acoustic guitar theme in such a way as to suggest a May-December relationship between Marty McFly and Doc Brown actually seemed original. But that was before cut-and-paste Brokeback trailer parodies reached a saturation point not seen since the dark days of The Blair Witch Project parodies.
After Brokeback To The Future, there was Top Gun II: Brokeback Squadron. Same exact idea only not as funny because the latent homosexuality in the original Top Gun is just as obvious as it is in every Reagan-Era action movie. Then there was Brokeback Mountain Dew, a surreal mish-mash of Mountain Dew commercials, that signature plunky guitar, and hip-hop. Not funny, just weird.
And now it's Star Wars: The Empire Brokeback. As you can probably guess, this one cuts up the C-3PO and R2-D2 bits from Star Wars. Not only has the concept quickly become unorigional and unfunny, but this one misses the whole point--everyone already knows C-3PO and R2-D2 are lovers. It's like someone doing a Brokeback Mountain parody about the Village People.
I am forced to call for a complete moratorium on Brokeback parodies. Whoever is making these faux trailers, please move on to something slightly more original, like perhaps making Stephen King movies look like lighhearted comedies.
After Brokeback To The Future, there was Top Gun II: Brokeback Squadron. Same exact idea only not as funny because the latent homosexuality in the original Top Gun is just as obvious as it is in every Reagan-Era action movie. Then there was Brokeback Mountain Dew, a surreal mish-mash of Mountain Dew commercials, that signature plunky guitar, and hip-hop. Not funny, just weird.
And now it's Star Wars: The Empire Brokeback. As you can probably guess, this one cuts up the C-3PO and R2-D2 bits from Star Wars. Not only has the concept quickly become unorigional and unfunny, but this one misses the whole point--everyone already knows C-3PO and R2-D2 are lovers. It's like someone doing a Brokeback Mountain parody about the Village People.
I am forced to call for a complete moratorium on Brokeback parodies. Whoever is making these faux trailers, please move on to something slightly more original, like perhaps making Stephen King movies look like lighhearted comedies.

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