The Adventures of Yukon Sully

The Epic Story Of One Man's Quest To Find Fame, Fortune, And Some Decent Chicken Wings In The Biggest Little City In The World!

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Yukon Sully is the heroic alter ego of a mild-mannered attorney who lives in a modest suburb on the outskirts of Reno, Nevada. He fights a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Always remember, he's much smarter than you are.

100 Things About Me

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend. I spent my Memorial Day out at what used to be called the Break-a-Heart Ranch along the Carson River near Dayton, Nevada. I was there to help out the owner/boyfriend of a co-worker. The ranch is a pretty little place wedged in between BLM land for about four miles along the river. I spent the day walking the berms of the irrigation system, driving the threshing machine, and swallowing way more bugs than I honestly care to think about. My weekends are getting to be busier than my work-weeks, which is one reason for the definite fall-off in the number of blog postings lately.

Interesting place, the old Break-a-Heart. It got it's name decades ago, when it was a sort of dude ranch at which wealthy people stayed for six-week stints. Not coincidentally, six weeks was the (for the time extremely short) in-state residency period required for legal divorce in Nevada, back when the state was known more for quickie-divorces than legalized gambling. The old stone well at the ranch house is said by local lore to be the final resting place of wedding rings discarded there by the newly "Reno-vated". The same story is, of course, also told about the portion of the Truckee River that runs by the District Courthouse, and I doubt there's anything to either version. Still, it's a nice bit of local lore. I wish I'd gotten a picture of the well, or really any part of the ranch, but the only picture I thought to take was this one, a shot of one of the ranch dogs named Sampson.

I only thought to take this shot because Melissa loves Labs so much. And speaking of Melissa, she had a rather tough Memorial Day when she found out that two of her former colleagues at CBS News in London were killed in Iraq. Melissa was not close with cameraman Paul Douglas and sound tech James Brolan, but she knew and worked with them during her time at CBS's London bureau. I hope for the best for the families both men leave behind, as well as the families of all those men and women who have paid such a high price in this conflict. Whether we approve or disapprove of the decisions made which brought us to the point that we are at, I think that we can all agree that our hearts are always with those who sacrifice so much.


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