The Adventures of Yukon Sully

The Epic Story Of One Man's Quest To Find Fame, Fortune, And Some Decent Chicken Wings In The Biggest Little City In The World!

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Yukon Sully is the heroic alter ego of a mild-mannered attorney who lives in a modest suburb on the outskirts of Reno, Nevada. He fights a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Always remember, he's much smarter than you are.

100 Things About Me

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Down From The Mountain

Just a quick post. I'm back from Squaw Valley. The ski weekend came off great--to my surprise no one was killed or even hurt very badly. The one lingering effect of the trip for me will be a rather ridiculous looking sunburn covering my neck and my face up to about two-thirds of the way up my forehead, where it ends in a straight line thanks to my ski cap.

As for the snowboarding on Saturday, it couldn't have been better. Conditions were Springlike with sunny skies and temperatures in the 40's. Better pictures will probably be coming soon, but here's a quick one that I snapped from the top of the Summit Six Chair at Alpine Meadows, just before the day's first run:

Sorry for the slightly low-quality picture; it's from a camera phone. From left to right, that's club members Hannah (who's pink snow pants totally rule!), Scott, Mike, Jen and on the far right Eric, who you may not be able to see because he's wearing camouflage. Lake Tahoe is visible in the background.

I know I promised embarrassing pictures. Don't worry, they're coming. Scott has some very good pictures of your humble author playing Trivial Pursuit while wearing a life-sized plush moose head that were taken on Friday night, and he'll be getting them to me soon. I know what you're thinking: A moose head? Trust me, it was par for the course for the weekend. I don't know who the actual owner of the condo that we rented was, but as you can see, whoever they are they have a serious moose fetish.

These pictures are just a quick sample, the sheer number of moose (meese?) scattered about the condo defies description. This didn't sit well with me because of the fact that the moose, while a noble and beautiful animal, is not native to the Sierra Nevada. Yes, I'm just the sort of person who is bothered by things like that.

Perhaps you're wondering what would inspire a normally mild-mannered person to don a giant stuffed moose head for the better part of a Friday evening? There's no simple answer to that question. But it might have had something to do with the refrigerator full of ready-made jell-o shots.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a skier, you might appreciate the efforts of "Snowshoe Thompson" 150 years ago.

Genoa's version of "Street Vibrations" is a celebration of his twice monthly 90 mile cross country trek from Placerville to Carson.

From Weds. RGJ:
"For 20 years, from 1856 to 1876, the legendary Thompson -- a Norwegian immigrant -- carried mail twice a month during the winter between Genoa and Placerville, Calif., about 90 miles. The "Mailman of the Sierra" traveled on homemade wooden skis."

And from the RGJ Archives, a story from a few years ago about someone that attempted a recreation of the trip in winter:

"More than 100 years later, Carson Valley native Brian Hickey, a reporter for Reno's Channel 2, had always liked the stories he heard about Snowshoe Thompson and often thought it would be fun to emulate his trip."

I love those stories.


4:27 PM  
Blogger Yukon Sully said...

Someday I might find the strength to forgive you for calling me a skier.

6:38 AM  

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